Street Art Amsterdam - A Monkey District Documentary
Amsterdam Street Art, Join us as we unravel the colorful tapestry of Amsterdam's street art scene, revealing the power of creativity to ignite change and redefine urban landscapes. From hidden alleys to bustling squares, witness the convergence of art and activism as local artists express their visions.
Featuring Laser 3.14, The London Police, Pipsqueak Was Here, Sick Society, Staylo, David Roos- STRAAT museum and The Secret Garden.

From Surviving To Thriving with Laser 3.14 by DOPA (The Department Of Pro-Activeness)
In conversation with a street artist and visual poet based in Amsterdam. In this episode, we discuss how to shift from a surviving to a thriving mentality and how his background and personal story have influenced the way he thinks, expresses himself and informs his passion for life.

Florine Schoenmaker is a Dutch vlogster. In order to find her calling, she interviews people of different professions and visits companies in diverse industries. She decided to share her visits and experiences on YouTube, hoping to help others find their way in life too.
Florine interviewed Laser 3.14 last summer and this summer again.
Florine's youtubekanaal link: @florineschoenmaker
Instagram: @Florineschoenmaker
Link to vlog 1.0 with Laser 3.14 2022: click here

Streetartist Laser 3.14 laat poëzie in Den Bosch achter: 'Den Bosch is een onwaarschijnlijk mooie stad'
De hele maand juni vind je een expositie van streetart kunstenaars Frank Willems, Streetart Frankey en Laser 3.14 in de Vughterstraat.
Laser 3.14 heeft op verschillende plekken in de Bossche binnenstad poëzie achtergelaten. Laser 3.14: “Ik hou van het ‘here today, gone tomorrow‘ effect van houten panelen.”

#37 - Laser 3.14: As long as it’s epic
On this episode, we sit down with Laser 3.14, a street artist and street poet spraying messages poignant, thoughtful, sometimes humourous and sometimes confronting on the streets of Amsterdam and beyond.
In the early days of his NFT journey, but now well immersed, Laser 3.14 sees the draw of this subculture as similar to that of graffiti and hip hop back in the days, where incredible things are blossoming through the will of the people who rally around it.
Podcast Donateursbelangen
Episode 17 about Laser 3.14's mother's case
In de zeventiende aflevering van de Donateursbelangen podcast staat nalaten aan goede doelen centraal. We bespreken met Irene van der Linde, redacteur bij De Groene Amsterdammer en Theo Hesen, Adviseur Erfeniswerving, wat er allemaal komt kijken bij nalaten aan goede doelen en we nemen een voorbeeld door waarbij het zelfs en helaas tot een rechtszaak tussen familie en goede doelen is gekomen.

‘Goede’ doelen: gelegaliseerde meedogenloze hyena’s
POW Article
Telegraaf: 'Cees Had Dit Nooit Gewild'
Laser 3.14 - Doen goede doelen als Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind hun naam eer aan? - Artikel Geen Stijl

Please sign and share this petition for justice! Read the article 'Be Careful With Legacies' in the De Groene Amsterdammer or on our blog. The article shows how two charities are selfishly clinging to the law without admitting the husband’s intention of leaving his estate to his wife. Thank you for your help!

"Lots of advertisements about including charities in your will come by on the radio and television. When you think of charities, you think of organizations that have an eye for the less fortunate among us and for those who are unable to take care of themselves. In the past I have been actively involved in charities myself, until now, that I have been confronted with the real nature of some of these charities, in my case the DOA (Animal Shelter Amsterdam) with Hans Fokkens as their director and Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind (Fund for handicapped children) with Henk Willen Laan as their director. I learned the hard way that these charities are commercial money grabbers who mainly want to take good care of themselves, paying themselves a yearly salary of €100,000 from the donations and legacies.
Attached you will find an article by Irene van der Linde, journalist from De Groene Amsterdammer, with photos by Nicole Segers, about the legacy of my stepfather Cees, who was happily married to my mother for 16 years. Cees had forgotten his will or he had thought that it would no longer be valid due to their marriage in community of property. The consequences of his human error became a nightmare for my mother.
The article shows that charities are never - no matter what the circumstances are - willing to reject a legacy. My mother took them to court. My mother's lawyer had requested a declaratory judgment that the charities could not derive any rights from Cees' will. The law offers limited leeway for an interpretation of the will other than the textual interpretation. This limited leeway has led to several rulings in favor of the next of kin by judges in the past. Despite all the efforts of those involved, my mother was not so lucky. In fact, to prevent other relatives in the future from filing lawsuits against charities, she was ordered to pay the lawyer's fees of the charities of no less than € 1,800.
Moral of the story: NEVER include charities in your will. Whatever your relationship is with your family, nobody deserves this. It’s not only the DOA and Stichting Het Gehandicapt Kind, charities such as the Salvation Army and De Zonnebloem have followed our lawsuit closely, apparently they follow the same policy. These abuses must be exposed in order to avoid more people becoming victims. My appeal to you is therefore, share this article with all your contacts, especially with people aged 50 or older."
Original article: Pas Op Met Nalatenschappen by Irene van der Linde in De Groene Amsterdammer Nr. 6 2023, Click here to read the original article

The 'Because We Must' show by Perishable Rush x Laser 3.14 at the O.D. Gallery in Amsterdam
The opening, sponsored by Oedipus, was a great success! You can visit the show until March 12th 2023 on Singel 395 in Amsterdam. The artworks are also available in the webshop of the gallery.

Launch of Genesis of House of Peregrine
House of Peregrine is about to take flight! Watch out for sneak peeks in the coming days on @houseofperegrine. 10.10 the Genesis will launch and the @laser314 collectible will drop. Final week to chat with us about the Genesis. There will be a limited number of pieces available in the public sale as well! Become a member of Genesis, click here: houseofperegrine.com/genesis
Check it out here:
website: House of Peregrine
instagram: @houseofperegrine
trailer: Laser3.14 x House of Peregrine

Artist Residency @ Base Elements in Barcelona
Last week Laser 3.14 was invited to be Artist-In-Residence of Urban Art Gallery Base Elements in Barcelona. Inspired by the graphic work of the artists of the gallery, Laser 3.14 picked up his markers and augmented his signature tags with graphic artwork. Next to making his own artwork he also collaborated with artist of the gallery.
September 2022

We're excited to announce the collaboration with Laser 3.14 xHouse of Peregrine for their upcoming Genesis NFT launch.Check out the collaboration.

Florine Schoenmaker is a Dutch vlogster. In order to find her calling, she interviews people of different professions and visits companies in diverse industries. She decided to share her visits and experiences on YouTube, hoping to help others find their way in life too. Check out her interview with Laser 3.14.
August 2022

Verwondering in de stad by Ronald van der Vorst in the FD on 25.05.2022
Het Financieel DagbladUNIT 44 IN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, UK
Laser 3.14 visited Unit 44 in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK in May 2022. He made a series of artworks for the gallery. Laser 3.14 also placed a few tags in Newcastle upon Tyne.